👋 I'm Jonathan

Welcome to my Personal Website!

Feel Free to reach out at doredla@umich.edu
Jonathan's Profile Picture

About Me

CS, Math @ UMich

Incoming ML intern @ Amazon

Project Kuiper 🚀


  • EECS 376: Foundations of Computer Science

    Explores theory in algorithms, computability, P vs NP, Cryptography, and randomness in computation.

  • EECS 445: Machine Learning

    Explores regression, neural networks, regularization with an emphasis on mathematical principles.

  • MATH 425: Probability

    Explores conditional probability, independent events, jointly distributed random variables, variance/covariance, etc.

  • EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms

    Explores fundamental data structures (stack, queue, etc) and algorithm families (graphs, dynamic programming, etc).

  • EECS 370: Computer Organization

    Explores how instructions are executed by a processor to carry out tasks at a low level, exploring Assembly and C.

  • ROB 204: Human Robot Systems

    Explores how to design robotic systems with human cognition and interaction in mind.

Check me out!